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The Next Big Thing for London | Estates Gazette Competition Read text
The Next Big Thing for London | Estates Gazette Competition View images
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A plan to address the problem of London being ‘just nine meals from anarchy’,  the runner up in Estates Gazette’s ‘Next Big Thing’ international competition.

The vulnerability of London’s ‘just in time delivery’ food chain was the starting point for a vision to ease the burden of a booming population.  The solution envisages a literally and environmentally greener London.   The River Thames, lifeblood of the city, is put back to use and transformed into a 1,000-acre linear farm, incorporating paddy fields, terraces, green roofs and walls, constructed on the north side of the river stretching from Hammersmith in the west to the Thames Barrier in the east.

The river will be used for both the supply and transportation of food, with existing infrastructure put to use, connecting road and rail on land with delivery via water and air via distribution drones.

A new network of logistics parks constructed beneath the linear farm will replace unsustainable out-of-town distribution networks, fronting on to new ‘i-streets’ and releasing space on the traditional high street for residential development.


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